Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thoughts on Edward Snowden / code of ethics

There isn't really a more blatant showing of a disregard towards a code of ethics than the example involving Edward Snowden. Snowden leaked classified details of U.S. Government surveillance programs to the world, and is now on the run from the U.S.. I believe Snowden's actions were wrong to leak classified documents to the world.

It's easy for all the people around the world to talk down about his actions, but how many of us, in his situation would be able to adhere to a code of ethics? Personally, I would have tried to live up to the standards of a code of ethics, but not everyone would be able to do that.

It's hard to imagine giving up your life to reveal secret documents to the world. Snowden was living a solid life too, making six figures, living in Hawaii with his girlfriend, and he gave it all up. "I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building," Said Snowden to the Guardian.

When Snowden signed up for the contracting business, one of the documents he would have signed, would have involved a code of ethics, which would discourage him from doing exactly what he did; leaking Government documents to the world. In the SANS IT Code of Ethics, one line states, "I will not abuse my power. I will use my technical knowledge, user rights, and permissions only to fulfill my responsibilities to my employer." Another line states, "I will not steal property, time or resources." Snowden violated both of these lines in leaking documents to the world, showing a lack of commitment to any code of ethics. In Snowden's position, I too might not have agreed with the documents, but I would have adhered to the code of ethics.

Blog by Hans Harvey

Blog Post 1

Author: Barbara Starr and Holly Yan from CNN
Title: Man behind NSA leaks says he did it to safeguard privacy, liberty

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