Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thoughts on personal devices being the biggest threat to corporate security / Managing the Security of Mobile Devices in the Enterprise

Managing the security of mobile devices in the corporate world is not as easy as setting a policy and telling employees to follow it. The author of the article, Personal devices pose biggest threat to corporate security, brings up several points in her article that I believe any corporation or business should consider when thinking about the security of mobile devices.

First, you would think having a password enabled for all employees is common sense, but when an employee has to re-enter their password over and over again to get in, it gets tedious and annoying. This is why, even if a policy that asks employees to have a password on their phone exists, most don't. I agree that in the corporate setting, there should be a password and there should be a way to make it easier for employees, so there should be some kind of a balance. One solution I could think of for this is to have a password, but to remove the sleep or power save functions. So long as employees bring chargers, they could just leave their mobile devices on when they are there using them, and lock them when they aren't. It's a simple solution, but its better than just having no password at all, or having employees pissed off at management.

Secondly, Corporations should allow employees to bring their own devices. If a corporation has a policy where they give employees mobile devices to use at work, employees are simply going to sneak their personal devices in.

If a corporation can compromise with employees, I believe the security of mobile devices will be far less of a challenge.

Blog by Hans Harvey

Blog Post 12

Author: Liz Bolshaw
Title: Personal devices pose biggest threat to corporate security
Address: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/e4b53190-4b82-11e3-a02f-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2mQaruiQ1

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